Healed Girl Summer

This will serve as today’s therapy session.

Summer. This year May, June, July and August felt much more urgent than normal. Probably because the last year of lockdowns made freedom taste so much sweeter. The freedom to go outside. The freedom to congregate (within limits). The freedom to get out and just be. I savored it.

Traveled out of state for a chance to be near the coast and for an opportunity to explore, eat and get some serious rest and relaxation.

Returned to Texas and found amazing events all over the city. Starting with an impromptu night on the town after an amazing art show. Ended up making a new girl friend (really rare), getting a free shot.

Lots of booze, flirting and skin characterized the hottest months of the year.

The next day, I attended my first ever pool party and felt like a celebrity. Free reserved seating. Free drinks. And a couple of stolen kisses in between time splashing in the pool and doing salsa on the rooftop.

Fast forward. July 4. I went to a silent party solo. Danced the day away with a pair of headphones and bought the DJ and myself a shot. Headed back to the car and met a cool guy from out of town looking to shoot the breeze. He ended up joining me on a journey to locate the hidden Blues Alley. Came out and headed to Addison to watch F9 with my new homegirl and her bae.

Another highlight. Met with college students new and old at a restaurant. Free drink tickets, laughter and music permeated the air. Afterwards I contacted my mutual friend Kim to see if she wanted to get out to a spot she posted in our group chat. The night ended epically. 7 hours, 6 drinks, countless songs and dances, 3 phone numbers, one cigar and two chauffeurs later (courtesy of her daughters).

She and I ended up going on a couple more outings while the rest of our friend group flaked. Each of us are on our journeys and Kim’s and mine were synced for a bit. We cherished the energy.

Each time resulted in fun memories. I will never forget this summer. Venturing to Chocolate Secrets to see my former classmate K perform. Getting a free glass of wine from his dad and another free glass from an older visitor who decided he wanted to dance with Tiffany and I.

Most importantly was my time spent indoors, in virtual therapy. Talking about moving on from my past, releasing my ex and finding myself and my happiness again.

I created. I worked out (42 weeks strong). I came. I saw. I conquered. I met guys. Most of whom didn’t make it past the first text. And got used to the catch and release fluidity.

As the season changes and my desire to be out on the town wanes, I remember these times fondly. As my celebration of liberation. My path to healing. My healed girl summer.

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